Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Taiji master..or mistress..

i love the way babies move. so natural so correct. if only all my pt clients could have postures like them. haha. nana was foolin around n reza caught it all on cam. love it.


moving into a side squat..

side squat to the rite

side squat to the left

finishin up wit a fancy pose..

wrappin up wit a big smile..

cousins day together..

few sundays ago, the cousins came to my place for dinner n poker.

n tat's goodbye...

miss baby gal..

2 latest pic of my baby gal...

tis was mine 22yrs ago when i participated in the Miss Universe tat was held in singapore. i was the little gal of Miss guatemala..now my little gal can sorta wear it. heh heh..

Sunday, February 1, 2009

visitin durin cny 2009

tis is one of my favouritest cny. coz we have a darling little gal to enjoy it wit. n tis yr we c her enjoy herself wit the cousins...

na n brandon holdin hands to go tua kor's house...
the 4 cousins together. kiefer, kieran, na n brandon..

let's backtrack abit to b4 we went to tus kor's place. here's a group pic at zi kor's place.

we only take such group pics once a yr durin cny..

na's n brandon's 1st kiss..

brandon went for a 2nd one.