Thursday, December 11, 2008


i brought naieen to ICA to have her passport done...

al the way there, i kept preppin her up to smile nicely when takin the pic for her passport. i kept askin her to smile n hold for 5secs. the sweet gal managed to do so....

ok, tis is how she'd smile for pic normally. i know it doesnt really look like a real smile tat we adults do but it's really damn cute when a 17 month old can smile on cue, even though it looks different..
after i got her into the baby seat at the photo booth. i told her to smile..n she did.....
den the photo aunty told me to ask her not to smile...coz cannot c her eyes!!! poor nana. after practicising for so i told her not to smile n tis is how her passport pic looks like...haha..

the poor gal look so fact she looked angry tat she wasn't allowed to smile..
but i tell u..tis dearie has one of the sweetest smile of a gal de caught an impromptu pic of her..take a look at tis..

posin so prettily...tat's my gal..

missin them...

hey gals...

coach is gonna miss u gals a lot...
it's not really my choice to leave u gals...
but some tings have to be done a certain way...
to attain certain results..

all the best in ur games..hope to c ya all play in the nationals...

coach sue..

Friday, December 5, 2008

1st tree..1st kiss..

i neva had a christmas tree b4. only c them in fren's houses n thought it must be really nice to wake up everyday n come home everynite to c a beautiful blinkly tree.

so i went n got meself a it is..
still naked..

in it's full glory...

nana loves it so much...every morning when she wakes up n comes into the living room, she'd point to the tree n ask me to turn on the lights. den she'd sit in front of it n stare at it.
same for the nites too. she'd also ask me to sing christmas song n she'd sway to the music..

she's so amazed wit it..

nana n mama's 1st kiss by their 1st tree...

jus hanging around...

jus a bunch of fun loving gals...

they're so fun loving n great. really gonna miss them all.
cassandra, aerina, natasha, fazlyn, eunice, elizabeth, cui ning, wara n insyirah.
not in the pic is rachel, kelly, kaiting, constance n zaneta...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

goodbye OLN..

The day the oln juniors 2008 came my place....for the last time..
i din know my small cozy place can house so many monkeys...

tis littlest monkey joinin in the fun, jungle-style...

now u c them..
now u c them again..
i've officially left oln.
keep in touch gals...

all in the name of fun...

look wat i got today... isn't it cool? well.....u wun find it cool til i tel u y it's supposed to be's from basil's company, Fujitsu....he's tryin to get one for every player in EXol..b4 u go eeeeeeeeeeeeee...wait til u check out the back...

check tis out..

cool rite? it's all customised to our position...n only mine says cool rite? i so honoured man...i set up EXol jus tinkin it's fun n all n i can play abit here n there la. tat's all. but i'm thought of s the honoured...

we had our 3rd game in the year end league wit not the whole team down...but we made it. we won. yes i must admit the other team wasn't very strong but i must say EXol played hard. n when i say play, i mean PLAY. have fun. tat's how our team works. we jus have fun. no stress, no pressure.
i'm sure there some people out there who's tinkin wat kind of team we r man. so rowdy when go for friendly....keep talkin nonsense n laughin during game..n i really mean talkin nonsense...even our cheer is ANYHOW EXOL!! not all the times..but sometimes when we jus in a mood to have fun..
y so serious? most of them r already training hard n serious in their clubs n schools..isn't it jus nice to come to a training where we jus have fun wit no pressure? dun get me wrong..we train properly n warmups n all. stil safety 1st..we jus play to enjoy. n guess wat...we play damn good tat way...our chemistry is evident...coz we jus love to pal around wit each other..
so all EXol the sexy dance man!!!
n tis is how vivienna came to the game today... in her spock car....

Monday, December 1, 2008

viv, jo n coach sue's day of fun!!

after olgc training today, de aka vivienna n cyn aka jolene n i hung out at viv's place.. if u told me 6yrs ago when i was coachin them tat today would happen, i'd tink u're siao...

after card playin n tryin to stack cards up...we're got bored n were wondering wat to do. jolene damn borin lor..haha...'i'm not a card person'....blah blah...anyway, we did get sometin to do. we did wat most tai tai's do when they get bored...we went to the 'hair salon' for a change of hairstyle...for jolene...

check tis out...

start of 'project jo'.....

presentin stylist #1. #2 takin the pic..

startin to take shape.....

DONE!!! wit a sweet look. haha..

stylist #2 wit our creation!!

presented by stylist #1

happy wit our end product.............

MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! the unsuspectin victim!!

refusin to take a pic lookin up....

jolene finally agreein to...
wah lau!! mistake!!damn gross lor...better rectify!! wat can we do?

ok...tis looks way much better........

but den it got borin jus to keep lookin at jolene we decided to join in the fun..!!

vivienna at her best.....

hey viv, should have gone to ur prom like tis....damn hot la...

not to be left out of course!! sexy rite????!!!!

we wanted to take group pic but 1st one was really bad coz we couldn't stay still long enough to take a decent pic. all 3 of us had to really really really really wah lau eh.....tink bout it now also buah tahan....check them out man..

i also dunno wat to say man...neva had so much damn fun wit my gals b4....
now only have to wait for a chance to get the whole team down to take a group pic like tis...
EXol rox me la. which team can be like tis? we may not be the best but we're the funnest!!!!!!


HAven't blog for damn long here's some update on tean EXol...yay...the funnest team ever. our cheer is ANYHOW EXOL...Hahahahahaha....

after a game on sat, we headed down to macs..s usual the younger ones would sit's emily, sharmaine n trisha. nice back of their heads ah..

here's vivienna n tiffany cam sweet n pretty rite? oh ya, n vivienna looks not too bad also..haha

Tiff n jolene.
Jolene tryin to eat her handphone...........

Get away from me, smelly viv..says bella...

ok la, i know u really wana take
a pic wit michelle phelps................

viv n xinya/ru...

viv n xinya/ru....aiya, u choose wateva la. i got a headache tryin to figure out who is who...

after we tabooed at my place..
after we anyhow trashed sjc...anyhowly...haha