Thursday, December 11, 2008


i brought naieen to ICA to have her passport done...

al the way there, i kept preppin her up to smile nicely when takin the pic for her passport. i kept askin her to smile n hold for 5secs. the sweet gal managed to do so....

ok, tis is how she'd smile for pic normally. i know it doesnt really look like a real smile tat we adults do but it's really damn cute when a 17 month old can smile on cue, even though it looks different..
after i got her into the baby seat at the photo booth. i told her to smile..n she did.....
den the photo aunty told me to ask her not to smile...coz cannot c her eyes!!! poor nana. after practicising for so i told her not to smile n tis is how her passport pic looks like...haha..

the poor gal look so fact she looked angry tat she wasn't allowed to smile..
but i tell u..tis dearie has one of the sweetest smile of a gal de caught an impromptu pic of her..take a look at tis..

posin so prettily...tat's my gal..

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