Friday, January 30, 2009


brought na to the beach for the second time. would like to bring her more often but jus gota find the time n opportunity..tis time, jo, di, ma n elie went to.. grimacing coz the sun was really super bright..
ma did not leave the blanket at all durin the whole almost 5hrs we were there.

she was happier without her swimsuit. din mind sand gettin into her diapers..

miss bandana..
gonna try bring her once a week. she's gonna be miss beach babe...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

CNY 2009

here's one of the reason y i'm so glad i got a gal instead of a boy...lookit how pretty she is.. tyin her 2 ponytails after dressin her up so prettily..
had to retie her tails coz she lept moving around too much..

lookit my little angel..

she jus loves being in mummy's arms..

nana n daddy...good lookin couple...i love them both..
thanx god for my darlings..

my favourite part of the house..

i love all the new additions to my home since i moved in last july. ..tis is my latest addition..

i have a thousand n 1 dvds...been storin them in my feature wall n realised tat space was runnin out. so i was so happy when i found the solution. n it was my guy n his bro to come help install's how it went..

men at work..

isn't it beautiful?

Monday, January 19, 2009

a day of fun..

it started out wit church den lunch wit na's godpa n godma. godpa is stationed in india so we only get to meet them maybe only twice a year. but it's always a joy when we meet up.

had lunch at ichiban boshi at suntec where seng ordered a great feast. there's no jap food in india so must enjoy whenever he's back.. all loving the feelin of being together..
godpa feedin his godgal her lunch. hmmm.....

2 very pretty ladies...

on the way to Fidgets..

love her so much...

having fun..

tat's wat she's doing...

stil at Fidgets. at 1st she was a little afraid to lie down in all the balls but ater awhile she jus refused to get out of there..

she finally got her dream to drive her own car. flintstone style..

tryin to move the steel balls wit her foot. i love the way she straightened her leg..

Sunday, January 18, 2009


brought na to Fidget at Turf city yesterday. heard bout it from a fren. thanx adelind.

was really fun for na. there were 2 main areas, the big huge one for the bigger kids n the smaller one for the 3yrs n under. na was at the smaller one for more than an hour. did alot climbin n balling n driving.. jus managed to upload a few pics. somethin wrong wit my com. wil upload the rest later.

wait for the rest of the pic u guys..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

i woke up to this.....

isn't life great when u wake up a face like tis every morning? she jus makes my day..

de, cyn n i went for a damn long bike ride after tat. stopped at many bike shops to c c..den all the way to de's place. total time is bout 5hrs. shiok man..cycled in the rain til it jus got too heavy n had to stop at a bus so drenched man..

den reza n i went to toys 'r' us to buy toys for na...she loved them man.
na n lilo eploring the new item...tryin to figure out how it works..

lilo gave up but na stil kept tryin..

finally got it...n lilo came back after the flyin balls started...

her next toy got her a little bit more studious like..

now actin coy...studiously coy...

now beautifully studiously coy...

i bought a new singlet n she was intrigued by it s she is wit all my clothes. tryin to put it on by herself. refused all help..

lilo tried to help but na jus brushed her off...

finally got it on herself but camera shy..heh heh...

finally......1 last fashion shot from my beautiful darling...she jus loves to wear her daddy's socks..
Praise the Lord..

Monday, January 5, 2009

EXol cycling trips..

finally i got the pics from all EXol cycling trips...well i wont really call them trips. some of them were really short.. like 15mins only. but it was stil damn fun.. so far there were already 4 trips but i only have pics for the last 3. i'm stil waitin for the pics for the 1st trip. ware is it??!!

cherylann, alison, bella, vivienna n i went for a short ride to kovan to have a drink n bite. very simple n easy..

in front of viv's house when we got back. n yes, i'm the shortest one..or u can also say i'm the under-heighted one.

las fri, 3 of us went for a slightly longer ride..
we jus cycled to st marg's at dobhy was a 58mins ride. damn long i know but we were already cyclin on the road most of the time n i din wana cycle across junctions for now so we cross the pedestrians crossings for all n tat took up alot waitin time. afterall i'm resposible for these kids rite? dun wan their parents to make any noise. know wat i mean? so we cycled slowly also n jus enjoyed the wind n scenery etc.

we decided not to b so glum n be happy tat half our ride is over but viv n i ended up lookin shocked. maybe we were shocked by cyn's wide grin..?

we went for a good ride jus tis mornin...bella, viv, jolene n i went for a good ride today. really fun. these gals r jus so fun to b wit. we started off from my place at bedok n went east coast. easy ride. our original plan was to ride the whole length of east coast.
so we got there n got hungry so decided to buy BK n sit by the sea n relax. viv n jo's legs were super achin from all the cyclin n plus sat's training was not our usual games. we ACTUALLY TRAINED!! haha.
at BK.
den we started talkin bout dogs n i was talkin bout how i loved great danes. so we decided to cycle to pasir ris U PETGAMART coz they have a beautiful great dane called Tai.
the ride took us a good 55mins from east coast. i thought it was only be bout 40mins but shiong man. we only stopped for one water break. coming back was non-stop..

finally we reached home.

look at viv's n jo's shack face..

too tired to take a pic properly..

finally the 4 musketeers...
more trips to come. going OL from bedok tis wed. den after training on sat, we gonna cycle back to bedok den next week when i start my st marg's training, we're gonna cycle there.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

last christmas..

i got my final christmas gift yesterday. from my sis. it's so cool.

dun u jus love it. i only wonder how i'm gonna put it on my tree next year. maybe i jus hang all my streamers n lights n other decorations on tis ball instead. who needs a tree when u have a bal like tis.. it man!! thanx jo.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

her 1st ice cream cone..

my ma brought na down to the shops yesterday when we went over amk. tat's the norm for whenever we go there. na loves to go walk wit poh brought her darling grandgal her 1st ice cream cone. she has eaten ice cream b4 but only when she's fed it. she neva had a cone or ice pop to herself. not tat i din't wana give her but jus no chance la. so yesterday she had her very 1st cone all to herself. it's the chocolate cornetto cone. n not the mini one but the real actual big cone..she loved it man!!!

when she came up wit the cone...

ma n i took a few bites of it so she won't eat too much..look at her's only the beginning..

look how 'neat' she her look man!!

u can't c it beneath all the ice cream on her face but she was grinning cheek to cheek man!!

after we wiped off abit of the mess, finally her smile is visible to all. her 1st cone..YAY!!