Monday, January 5, 2009

EXol cycling trips..

finally i got the pics from all EXol cycling trips...well i wont really call them trips. some of them were really short.. like 15mins only. but it was stil damn fun.. so far there were already 4 trips but i only have pics for the last 3. i'm stil waitin for the pics for the 1st trip. ware is it??!!

cherylann, alison, bella, vivienna n i went for a short ride to kovan to have a drink n bite. very simple n easy..

in front of viv's house when we got back. n yes, i'm the shortest one..or u can also say i'm the under-heighted one.

las fri, 3 of us went for a slightly longer ride..
we jus cycled to st marg's at dobhy was a 58mins ride. damn long i know but we were already cyclin on the road most of the time n i din wana cycle across junctions for now so we cross the pedestrians crossings for all n tat took up alot waitin time. afterall i'm resposible for these kids rite? dun wan their parents to make any noise. know wat i mean? so we cycled slowly also n jus enjoyed the wind n scenery etc.

we decided not to b so glum n be happy tat half our ride is over but viv n i ended up lookin shocked. maybe we were shocked by cyn's wide grin..?

we went for a good ride jus tis mornin...bella, viv, jolene n i went for a good ride today. really fun. these gals r jus so fun to b wit. we started off from my place at bedok n went east coast. easy ride. our original plan was to ride the whole length of east coast.
so we got there n got hungry so decided to buy BK n sit by the sea n relax. viv n jo's legs were super achin from all the cyclin n plus sat's training was not our usual games. we ACTUALLY TRAINED!! haha.
at BK.
den we started talkin bout dogs n i was talkin bout how i loved great danes. so we decided to cycle to pasir ris U PETGAMART coz they have a beautiful great dane called Tai.
the ride took us a good 55mins from east coast. i thought it was only be bout 40mins but shiong man. we only stopped for one water break. coming back was non-stop..

finally we reached home.

look at viv's n jo's shack face..

too tired to take a pic properly..

finally the 4 musketeers...
more trips to come. going OL from bedok tis wed. den after training on sat, we gonna cycle back to bedok den next week when i start my st marg's training, we're gonna cycle there.

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