Wednesday, July 9, 2008

good news. bad news

lets start wit the bad news 1st...

oln juniors out of the running for top 4. they lost to st 4goals.

know wat's the funny ting? we played st hildas in a friendly b4 n we won them by 5goals.

i can stil remember the game. 5-5, 8-8, 11-10 n we won 16-11.

yesterday we led 1st 2 quarters. here's how it went. 5-3. 8-6. 12-14 n we lost 15-19.

st hildas played their usual game. we lost coz we played bad. real bad. it's the worse game ever.
shooters hiding behind defenders. passes into the goal circe went rite into defenders hands. their defenders dun even have to put in much effort to intercept. put it crudely, they deserved to lose. if they had won, it was all by pure luck..

they cried. i dun blame them. in a way, i believe they did try. no one would go into a game n play their worst on purposely. they're still young, consistency isn't there yet. they'll play better next year. sigh.. yes it's waste tis year. all the way til the last game in round 2 n it had to be their worst game. next game would already be top 4 quarters-finals....

anyway, here's the good news.

oln seniors won kellock!!!!

we played them quarter-finals last yr n we lost by quite a lot.

we were down by 2goals 1st quarters. caught up a little n down by 1goal only. 3rd quarter went haywire abit. gals were tired n lost focus abit. we drop til 5goals. told e gals they had nothin to lose. we're already in top 4. we lose, we play tk. n we have confidence against tk. we win, we play smps. n if we can beat kellock, we can beat smps. so wat do we have to lose? nothing..

jus told them to go play the game they love. go enjoy n make sure they leave the court happy n proud to be a netballer.

n we beat kellock.

by 1 goal.

interception was fantastic. sharmaine was so quick. trisha's timing was perfect. shiying intercepted lops n wasn't blown for contact. in fact, she was contacted by the GS instead. shiying tip n sharmaine picked up. sharmaine tip n trisha picked up. i tell u ah. tis threesome is the perfect defence. in my eyes.

jiloti n richelle rotated like crazy partners n perfect shots. perfect offers. n perfect rebounds n shot again.

shirleen threw perfect lops into circle, over the defence. n louise was the connectin link in the centre third.

we play like this against smps, we'll make it into the finals.

more importantly, we din win because of our courtplay. we won coz of the fightin spirit. no matter how good n team is, if there's no fightin spirit, it'd not work. wit fightin spirit, everythin's possible.

smps game on fri is gonna be tough. one of the toughest. smps is quick. but i know my oln is quick also. if we can beat tk last year n drew wit them again tis yr, n beat kellock, anythin is possble wit oln. tk beat smps wit pure fightin spirit. they're not s fast s smps actually but they still did it.

so we can do it also!!!!!!

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