Tuesday, July 1, 2008

ex juniors stronger seniors!!

2dae's the 1st dae for round 1 for the nationals. was feelin a little sad when i realised olgc's not gonna be around...it's ok. there's stil next year.

oln juniors played fengshan. aiyoyo...not tat good. got so messy 1st half coz of fengshan. they're a strong team, the juniors, but they need to wake up n play their own game. final score 23-18.

oln seniors played st hildas. played them b4 in a friendly n won them. trashed them actually. in a way, i was a little afraid of that fact. coz the knowledge of winning them b4 could lead the team to complacency. so i kept remindin them tat we stil had to fight. st hildas will not give in so easily.

thanx god my gals was ready to fight. oh well. there were a few silly mistakes here n there n a few unseriousness moments. at first i was a little cheezed off tat they could stil giggle n laugh n played a fool a little. they took tat moment of the game too lightly. it was my attack. my jiloti, richelle, shirleen n louise. jiloti la. couldn't pass the ball den jus found the whole senario funny n started giggling. she's always giggling. n once she starts, shirleen will follow. cant remember if we lost tat shot anot though. den....i held my tongue at shoutin at them n take a moment to realise wat's going on. they were simply enjoyin the game. how often do u find a competitive team takin time to giggle n laugh during a game? n enjoyin the moment? everybody's so serious n look like they wana punch their opponent.

i dun care wat others say bout laughin on court. they may say it's not takin the game seriously, not professional or jus playin a fool. they may even say tat'll cause the team to lose the game. (no wonder there're teams out there wit black faced players n coach)...

but if the team is happy, wouldn't i have succeeded in my job s a coach? to ensure tat every player loves the game?

anyway, back to the game. we won 37-11. 2nd quarter was good. 3rd went down abit. i had o remind the team tat now's the time to be consistent in their play s final's is drawin near. 4th quarter was not 2 bad den.

thurs is greenridge. we jus have to beat them to ensure a place in top4. cant be too complacent. they're also fightin to go top4. we jus have to fight again. fight fight fight.

tink the hightlight of 2dae's game is the st marg vs tk. smp was leadin 3quarters but tk caught up n won by 2goals. tat was quite a shock to everyone. tink smp cant take the pressure coming from opp bench wit tk supporters sceaming. they were quite deafening. thank god my oln can take it. tink they're used to my screaming.

oh well....if tk can beat smp by fightin. n we can draw wit tk now n beat them last yr by fightin, i believe we can also beat smp...by fightin of coz.

but now we jus gota focus on thurs n next tues..



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