Saturday, June 28, 2008

To u....OLGC

wanted to blog wat happened at the oln game yesterday but was so shag man. put nana to bed n i fell asleep also. couldn't get up at all.

anyway..wana know wat happened at the game? let's track back abit to the previous happenings 1st.

oln lost to evergreen during north zone finals by 1 penalty goal after the final whistle. everyone was bummed out at tat results. meant the grouping in the nationals would be much tougher.

true enough. everygreen was placed in a damn easy group. marymount, mgs n another sch tat i can't recall. n they trash every team n top the group. lucky them. or should i say, blessed them..

s for oln. we had olgc ( wahlau), unity..and TK...our arch rival...s u can read from my last blog, we had quite a few encounters wit them last year. anyway, we trashed olgc and drew wit tk after a tough fight. final results would depend on goal difference between tk n oln. tat depended on the last match which took place yesterday.

here's the silver lining...olgc is under me also...n of course they're not too bad. not s strong s oln but the spirit is the same. both fighters...olgc played wit tk n oln wit unity.

thanx god for oln, they had the 2nd game...which means they could c how many goals tk scored against olgc n calculate exactly how many goals they need to top the group..

another ting oln has to be thankful for is that they're playin unity instead of olgc for tis crucial match. unity lost to olgc which means they're easier to score against. n since olgc is under me also, i could psyche the team up to fight harder n defend tighter against tk. n my olgc defenders r one of the most charmaine n eriko have been scouted by rgs ah!!! dun pray pray.. heh heh...anyway, all jokes aside, olgc defenders r really not bad. tall n quick.

so tk scored 33-5 against olgc. which means after calculatin their total score, oln needs to have a goal difference of 34 to top the group.

final score of oln against unity....54-10...goal difference...44

we top the group!!!!!!!!!

do u know wat tat means? it meant tat our round 2 group is slightly easier than the other group. y i say slightly n not much?...coz s long s a team makes it into round 2, it means tat tat team has substance to them n not to be taken lightly.

anyway, y slightly easier?

there're 5 giants in this nationals who're in the running to be in the top 4. st margs. kellock. oln. tk. and evergreen. n since oln n tk has already been together in round 1, tat means tat tk will definately been in the other group wit 2 other giants. n only 2 from tat group will make it thru to the quarter finals...

whereas in our group, only 2 giants n 2 mini giants. i'm not lookin down on them. i know we have to fight them s hard. complacency will be the cause of our downfall...

our grouping u ask?

group y. oln. kellock. greenridge. st hildas.

group x. evergreen. st marg. tk. yumin.

now u know y i'm so happy? it's true...all tings work out for the good..

s for my juniors...

they got a huge trashin from me yesterday..they were up against olgc ( again!! ) and of course i couldn't coach either teams so it was up to the teachers. olgc has meow. they were lucky s meow's experienced n know how to lead them n prepare them mentally. oln had hui min. she's new in tis line n neva played netball b4. she tried her best but she's too nice n the gals took advantage of her. played a fool wit her instead of warming up seriously. they knew wat to do s i've taught them a warmup routine n have 2 captains to lead them.

n because they weren't serious n were also complacent s they've trashed olgc b4 in a friendly, they got a huge trashin from olgc in the 1st 3 quarters. olgc led in the 1st n 3rd quarters. oln led in the 2nd by only 1 goal. final score...oln won by only 4 goals. n tat's only last minute when they realised they were about to lose the game...

tis coming from a game of zonal champs vs zonals 4th. but like i said b4, s long s a team makes it into the nationals, dun pray pray wit them.. anyway, hope oln juniors have learnt their lesson n get more serious..they're definately too playful.

n lastly, i wana dedicate this post to my OLGC players.

i'm so proud of them. both teams. they've fought well n had the 'neva say die' attitude. n they've improve in their play every game.

my seniors have grown so much since i 1st took them 2 yrs ago. they were so mixed up n blur but they grew into a team of fighters.. they're jus pretty unlucky in their grouping.

same goes for my juniors. they're so spunky n fast but they had to be in a group ware they meet oln. i only formed my junior team at the very last minute. my WA, hanyun, only played WA for the 1st time during their 1st game in the zonals. against st marg somemore. n they only lost to st marg by 3 goals. can u imagine tat? we were estatic den!!

i feel so much for olgc. i can c my work in them. n their fight in me..

to u..


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