Thursday, June 26, 2008

thanx god my throat dun hurt anymore...but now i've completely n totally lost my voice.

at 1st was quite bummed out by this s i had really impt games yesterday.. oln vs tkps remember? wana know the results?

let me run thru the game for u 1st....startin wit my feelings..

how do i feel s their coach? happy of coz. m so proud of them. they played well. my sharmaine lasted all 4quarters n performed in every quarter. it's not easy being the GD.'s not easy being any of the positions. even my dear GS, richelle, was shagged out running so much. usually she jus stand her usually position n block for her lop space n the feeders will lop in a high pass to her n she catch n shoot. but tk's GK was pushin her out from behind so she wasn't ablt to block for a lop n had to run out for the ball everytime n run back into to work wit jiloti...tat's my GA. but all the pushin frok tk's gk din work. my richelle still could get the ball everytime n put the goal in.

of coz not all the quarters were good. 1st was good. they usually dun perform well in 1st quarter. but yesterday was an exception. score 5-5.

2nd was fantastic. oln really power man. we pulled up to lead 12-9.

3rd went down abit s the weather was blastin n the heat was unbearable. we dropped the lead to 14-15.

but the last quarter was a good fight for both teams. it was 1goal for dem n 1goal for us, 1goal for dem n 1goal for us. n final score...20-20..

know wat the best part was? GOD is good. all tings really work together for the good. at 1st i really was very upset at the lost of my voice. means tk had an advantage s the teacher could coach dem thruout the game. n his voice could be quite discouragin for my gals. but me losing my voice turned out to be better!!! my gals wasn't stressed n pressured. tk was gettin it quite bad from their teacher everytime they made a mistake or miss a shot. n my gals all found some things tat he said pretty amusing so they weren't really influenced by his shoutin..

oln played so well coz they were happy. happy players always play better. even if they dun win, they will stil go away loving the game...

so now it's up to tmr's game to c if tk or oln top the group. i tink we stand a better chance s it'd be easier to score against unity than olgc. the team tat score more wil top the group n go into round2 will the better group. i all depends on the drawing..

oln juniors won in the morning. against mgs. 29-4. i tink somethin li tat la. oln juniors must work harder in round2 if they wana go all the way to top4. olgc juniors lost to pasir irs. pasir ris played well yesterday compared to against oln on monday..olgs seniors won unity. it's a waste they're in the same groupin s oln n tk. but they played well yesterday also. charmaine n eriko really worked very well together. sheetal n sherlyn rotated perfectly n the midfielders killed the centre third man..

i love my job..

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