Tuesday, June 24, 2008

hurts so much..

MY throat...HURTS...actually it doesn't really hurt hurt..jus tat i have totally n competely lost my voice. it's all from the ful day of coaching yesterday n the game at nite..all my schools won in the day. but my club lost in the nite. oh well. my schools're more important to me.

but now without my voice, i wonder how i'm gonna cope tmr man..important game tmr. very big. it's not the placing tat's big, it's who we're playin against. TKPS.
last year we had so many run ins wit them.
friendly-we lost.
game in KL-we lost.
game in nationals round 1-we lost.
friendly b4 nationals round 2-we lost.

but...there was a final game. it's fate. God's will...after all the fighting in our groups, we met again in the final game. semis- 3rd 4th placing for the nationals. n the results is..........

we won!!!! we had a draw n went into extra timing n final score.

oln - 21
tk - 19.


n tmr we're meetin them again. players have changed. we've changed our WA n they've changed our GS. wonder how we'd fare..

u know wat. i wun be surprised if we lose. it's quite typical of oln. no matter wat the results is tmr, we'd stil go into 2nd round. tat's not urgent enough for my gals to fight. sigh...so irritating. but tat's the style of tis team. only if it's the finals, den u'd c the fire in the team..quite bad sportsmanship...but it's abit too late to correct them on tis.

wel. at least they're committed. not like a certain player i have in tis team who chooses to stay or quit depending on her feelings. now she sucks s a player. serious...she's a very smart n great player but due to her inconsistency n lack of commitment to the team, her play has deproved (is there such a word?) so badly. from main n star player to reserve. now the gal replacing her is gettin so much better. she's done so well in the game yesterday.

oh well...u lose 1, u gain 1..

i thank god for my olgc teams also. they may not be s strong. but they're good gals. definately very committed players. lots of potential in tat school. it's jus tat they started off late, unlike oln. given time, i'm sure i can transform tis school into a top team like oln also. wat's more, their support in netball is stronger than in oln.

anyway...i set up tis blog weeks ago but havent posted anythin yet..reason being i din know wat to write. dun really wana write bout my life. coz tare's nothin to write about. nothin bout family coz tat's so cliche. so i've decided. i'm gonna dedicate my blog to my coaching. jus to talk bout my schools, teams n results.
tink i'd enjoy tat e most.
hope u do too.

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