Thursday, August 7, 2008

1st training...

it's been awhile since i posted anythin.

wanted to blog bout EXol 1st fitness training last week but kinda forgotten bout it. wanted to bring a camera tat day to tat some pics but guess wat. i forgot also.

but training was great man. it was fitness training. i din train wit them s was stil suffering from a crazy cough.

they started out wit a long run. it wasn't tat long but the route was crazy. serangoon gardens is no joke for runs man!! the hills n slope is crazy!!

den to chartwell for the strength trainings. did alot plyometrics. steps jumping. upper body workout also. dips, pushups etc.

den we ended off wit everybody's favourite. plyometric long jumps!! tat really killed everyone!!

heh heh.. the best part was, some of them had pesta sukan round 2 the next day. n they were all walkin like pregnant ducks on tat day!! haha...

but training was good overall. can c the team buildin up together. wil have next trainin next week.. wil remember to bring the cam also so snap some shots.

check it out ya!!

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