Monday, September 15, 2008

ware they're going..


i dun really like to tink bout ware my gals go after they leave pri schools. it's totally up to them n their familes. but i got news bout some of them n m pretty happy for them.

sharmaine got accepted in SOTA. way to go gal!! some sec school teachers were a little dissappointed when they heard about it. they felt they were losin a good potential defender.. but y like tat? she stil has other opportunities.. i've already invited her into EXol. afterall, she's a ex ol gal..cant wait for her to join us. i tink it's great tat she's going SOTA. tat way, she can persue both her interests. drama n netball. she wun be overtrained unlike if she goes into a mainstream school n train like crazy in netball. in SOTA, netball can b a hobby for her. somewhere for her to let off steam. she'll b an even better player den..

richelle got accepted in RGS. so proud of her. she'll do well in both studies n play. very determined n smart gal. cant wait to c her in years to come n c how she's blossom. hope she grows taller. come on richelle!! hit 1.8m!!

jiloti got into cedar. tat's great. she needs tat good environment. she's pretty easily influenced by people around her so cedar will b great for her. i got the feelin n jus know tat tis jiloti is gonna b a force to reckon wit. she has so much potential n talent in her jus waitin to burst out of her.

shirlene got accepted into st nics. great school. for studies but not so for netball. we'll wait for the psle results to come out to c ware she can go. if she can make it to cedar also, tat'll be great. if she decides to stay on in st nics, tat's fine too. she'll do great wherever she goes..

shiying is on waitin list for cedar. tat's fine s she's a smart gal n she'll make it to a good school jus based to her results. DSA is jus somethin for her to fall back on.

charmaine from olgc got into RGS. really really really happy for her. she's a really smart gal wit lots of skills who needs people to believe in her.

eriko did not get into RGS n she was pretty bummed out. tat's coz tis gal is a prefectionist. she's my only gal who'll study during training break. can u believe it? fantastic rite!! her mum n i so believe tat she'll make it to RGS on her own. she do not need DSA!!

lets' c how all their results go end year..

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