Wednesday, January 14, 2009

i woke up to this.....

isn't life great when u wake up a face like tis every morning? she jus makes my day..

de, cyn n i went for a damn long bike ride after tat. stopped at many bike shops to c c..den all the way to de's place. total time is bout 5hrs. shiok man..cycled in the rain til it jus got too heavy n had to stop at a bus so drenched man..

den reza n i went to toys 'r' us to buy toys for na...she loved them man.
na n lilo eploring the new item...tryin to figure out how it works..

lilo gave up but na stil kept tryin..

finally got it...n lilo came back after the flyin balls started...

her next toy got her a little bit more studious like..

now actin coy...studiously coy...

now beautifully studiously coy...

i bought a new singlet n she was intrigued by it s she is wit all my clothes. tryin to put it on by herself. refused all help..

lilo tried to help but na jus brushed her off...

finally got it on herself but camera shy..heh heh...

finally......1 last fashion shot from my beautiful darling...she jus loves to wear her daddy's socks..
Praise the Lord..